Saturday, October 6, 2018

Whiney Love Song

All I ever wanted was the one
I know you’re out there somewhere
Someone saved my life tonight?
I know I can be saved by the music
one more time.

But it’s true, all I ever wanted was to love and be loved. I give up everything more than once for a home that would really happen and be permanent, unconditional, and all encompassing, but it didn’t work. Still, I’ll try it again in a minute. Faster than that even, given the opportunity. I suppose that attracts the greedy and the users. There sure are a lot of them out there.

Did you ever fall in love and give it all?
Were you ever so happy you could die?
But all you wanted to do was live another day
With the one who made you feel that way.
Natural high.

I’ve been blessed to feel that way more than once in this life. The ability to unconditionally trust is more seductive even than the ability to unconditionally love and I, for better or worse, can do both. It has been my blessing to feel the fleeting moments of euphoria and my curse to feel the nearly permanent betrayal of the being taken for everything.

Remember those moments that felt like forever
Those times when emotions are so strong
They just swept you off your feet or froze you in your tracks
Those moments are where you belong

Remember those moments that meant everything
Those times you never wanted to end
May you be blessed with remembering
And sharing those times with a friend

For whatever life is
Whatever we do
The meaning is what makes us smile

So give it your all
Whether you fly or fall
and please stop changing dial

It’s your life you should be watching
Your life you should be living
you are the star of your show

So fill it with the motion
Your promise and devotion
Plant your seed and then help it grow

(repeat something profound)

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Empathy In A World Of Lies

I don’t listen much to people anymore because I don’t want to hear the lies. Lies don’t just hurt my ears, lies hurt my heart because I know a liar is hurting more than I am. Lies hurt. Empathy sucks in a world of hurt. Lies are born in fear. Lives are killed in fear. Lies are made of fear. They confuse, distort, and abuse anyone listening and anything they are spoken about. It may not be intentional harm, and often it is not. But it is harm nonetheless. It is sad that so many would rather harm than face their fears. It is especially sad when most of the fears are delusional. Fear is born of ignorance. Ignorance is often a choice to close one's mind, to close one's heart, and to believe the lies that others tell. We want to excuse the child and claim the child knows no better, but when the child grows up the child knows better. The child, when grown, chooses The ignorance, the fear, and the lies that defend it. When the reality of truth gets too close the lies turn to violence. To the delusion that violence is necessary. This path will be the destruction of the species unless enough people choose love over fear, knowledge over ignorance, and truth over lies.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

For The Bored and The Caring

I sit here writing every night
in hope that someone will read these words I write
I sit here wishing on a star
that somehow this will reach you where you are

I write out of boredom
but more out of caring
a passion for loving
a hunger for sharing

in passing the time here
hope fights off loneliness
fears and stress disappears
leaving more room for peace
and dreams of happiness

for the bored and the caring
I give you this time
these words for amusement
and a thoughtful rhyme

for the bored and the caring
you are not alone
I offer this sharing
this bottle is thrown

containing this message
into cyber seas
this is why I'm writing
and asking you, please

if you're bored and caring
reach out and share
don't wait one more minute
show someone you care

this life is but moments
right now, this one
it's yours for the making
so let's make it fun

for the bored and the caring
our choices are clear
stay bored or start sharing
together, we're here

in passing the time here
hope fights off loneliness
fears and stress disappears
leaving more room for peace
and dreams of happiness

for the bored and the caring
I give you this time
these words for amusement
and a thoughtful rhyme